Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Hearts are Glued Together

I made these paintings when I got home from my mission as a way to understand and contemplate such a rewarding yet complex experience.

This is a view of Snow Canyon in St. George, Utah, where I served.

Some of the people we taught:

"Our Hearts are Glued Together"


I saw this view of Utah Lake every day when I served in Orem. Each time I see the lake, I am filled with nostalgia and love for the people I knew and taught there.

As you can see in this detail, I collaged a letter from my brother and one of his drawings that he mailed me while I was serving.

Another family we taught:

1 comment:

  1. You have become an artist of self searching and expression. I admire you and your work. Thank you for sharing your works and insight with us.
