Thursday, April 4, 2013

Two In One

 "The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.” 
-Robert Henri

Here are paintings 13 and 14!  They are twin pieces inspired by the renowned American artist and teacher Robert Henri.  In his book "The Art Spirit," Henri recommends working on two paintings (of the same thing) at the same time.  He hypothesizes that this process is a great learning experience.  I finally tackled this idea, and the process was enlightening.  The result is two similar yet divergent paintings.  What do you think?

Elise Wehle's latest artwork is stunning.  The geometric patterns are folded origami emerging from a redwood tree.


  1. I need closeups of the Henri-inspired ones. It looks like you've done some intricate things that I want to see more of! Elise...freak I want to eat it it looks so yummy!
