Monday, February 14, 2011

Recent Paintings

Here are the more recent paintings I have been working on. They deal with a complexity of image and pattern, referencing the often overwhelming nature of our lives. While many of us strive to become better as we pursue perfection, unrealistic ideals can become hindrances. To-do lists, extensive goal making, and setting unattainable expectations for ourselves can hurt rather than help.

These next two aren't quite as recent.
This one below is a larger painting, using two separate canvases. I painted it last March.

"Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend"

Many thanks to my mother-in-law and professional photographer Lisa Teran, who did a flawless job in photographing all these paintings! She photographed all the artwork on my blog with the exception of the altered books. Check out her work here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Project: Books

Last March I began altering books that intrigued me. There were seven books I collected and collaged into, drew all over, and turned into pseudo-journals.

Here are some details from the interiors.

I was thinking about Jung's theory of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, and connecting with people I'd never met before.

So, with the help of family, I left the books in different locations across the United States--public places, antique stores, used bookstores, etc.

I have no idea who picked them up or where they are now, but hope that someone who finds them will feel a connection with something bigger.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Hearts are Glued Together

I made these paintings when I got home from my mission as a way to understand and contemplate such a rewarding yet complex experience.

This is a view of Snow Canyon in St. George, Utah, where I served.

Some of the people we taught:

"Our Hearts are Glued Together"


I saw this view of Utah Lake every day when I served in Orem. Each time I see the lake, I am filled with nostalgia and love for the people I knew and taught there.

As you can see in this detail, I collaged a letter from my brother and one of his drawings that he mailed me while I was serving.

Another family we taught:

Works Handmade in Florence

Studying art in Florence was an incredible experience.

Wherever I went in Florence, I picked up Italian fashion magazines, second-hand books on the Old Masters, vintage comic books, and ripped posters off walls. Using these as inspiration, I created these collage/paintings.

To see images of artwork made by friends in Italy, click here and here.